Fastest way from questions to insights


AI powered analytics platform for data exploration and enrichment

Komma is an AI first collaborative tool to create, version control, schedule and document shareable analysis

Komma AI brings speed and sanity to data teams

“Our vision is to bring all analytics work in Komma so AI training for self serve analytics can be more precise and faster”


Time spent by data team on plumbing tasks


Tools used by data teams for one task


Unused data in companies


Spent per data professional/month

Hear it from fellow data folks

The process of getting from questions to insights is completely broken, production stuff exists on Github but there is no clear picture on what happened before that. Work is never discoverable and keeps getting repeated because either someone didn't save query or don't know if it is already done

The biggest problem in data right now is too many tools. It leads to tool fatigue and is also very difficult to train every new person on each tool. Besides, because a lot of problems like catalog, lineage have separate tools - they're never used. Ideally it should be one platform

Query editors and notebooks are currently very limited. Most of the query I write remains on my system. Building a dashboard takes significant effort so a lot of data is shared over email/slack and it becomes stale as soon it is detached from the query. Feedback is scattered and is very difficult to work with

- Director of data at US based public tech company

- Head of data at Dubai based Fintech company

- Senior analyst at India based Series-A startup

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together with komma.